Queer youth housing: QuJu

The AHF (AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e. V.) and the IFZ (Internationales Familienzentrum e. V. / International Family Centre) are both long-standing sponsors of various projects in the field of queer and youth services. As cooperation partners, they provide services for young people and young adults who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex (LGBT*IQ).
Many young people from these target groups still experience the path of their own coming out as difficult and stressful. External factors, such as rejection and lack of understanding at home, school, at the training place, or insensitive youth welfare institutions can repeatedly lead to crises and make a young person's self-discovery more difficult. The potentially helpful environment, such as school and various youth welfare services, offer support which can be inadequate. Therefore, young people are largely left alone to try to understand their own gender or sexual identity.
That is why our QuJu offers:
- Flexible help oriented towards individual needs
- Their own living space
- Professional framework in an inpatient youth welfare setting
- Support in understanding one's own identity
- Support in becoming independent and planning for the future
- Support in overcoming crises and problems
Our services are generally aimed at adolescents and young adults between the ages of 16 and 21.
In each residential group there are up to seven other young people:
- Daily support or, in case of more intensive need, 24-hour care.
- Support and guidance on the path to integration, coping with the daily demands of life, as well school requirements with the aim of graduation or leading to an apprenticeship.
- Preparation for an independent lifestyle, potentially first through assisted living.
In assisted living, the young people are alone or in pairs. This offer is aimed at young people who are able to live on their own or are on the way to becoming independent.
We help them on this path and offer the necessary support and assistance:
- Counselling and support in the coming-out process (if desired).
- Support in the development of educational and professional goals
- Practical life support
- If necessary, accompanying discussions with parents and legal guardians

Dominik Fuchs
Dipl. Sozialpädagoge / Dipl. Sozialarbeiter (FH)
Kevin Arzt
Sozialpädagoge / Sozialarbeiter (B.A.)
- psychosoziale Begleitung
Naomi Januschke
Sozialarbeiterin M.A.
Lea Theurer
Sozialarbeiterin (M.A.)
Justin Dildei
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